Hello May

Goodbye  April — hello May! I can’t say April was a “bad” month, but it was certainly different and it never got warm around here, so it loses points for that. But anyhow, here it is May — and so far, so good. Not as warm as I’d like, but warmer than April

Shepherdstown is one of the very few places in the United States that still has a formal May Day celebration. Of course that won’t happen this year — no dancing around the May Pole or any of the other activities that aren’t allowed with social distancing. Cinco de Mayo will be carry out and we’ll have to get creative with our anniversary plans…. but May is a good month — weather is getting warmer and the trees have leaves.
Lots of family events to celebrate this month, so you know what the theme will be here on “What Would Jimmy Do?” Happy May!
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