
From what I’ve read, and keep hearing, there’s not much of a chance that we can all return to the “old normal” until a Coronavirus vaccine is developed. Optimistic estimates think it might happen in a year, but it’ll probably take longer. 

I guess if we’ve ever needed an Edward Jenner, we need one now. Jenner is generally acknowledged as the first person to have created a vaccine. He “invented” the smallpox vaccine (in 1796) that saved countless lives and earned him the title of Father of Immunology. Strictly speaking he didn’t discover vaccination but he was the first to confer scientific status on the procedure and to pursue its scientific investigation. 

So I don’t know who will get the credit for a vaccine for COVID-19, but I’m grateful for all the people working on it right now. Fortunately, not everyone needs the recognition of the president… they’re just doing it for humankind. 
In science, credit goes to the person who convinces the world, not the person whom the idea first occurs….
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