All About Me….

For better or worse, in sickness and in health… these are the things you say when you get married. Today is Husband Appreciation Day. Now you may be asking, What?? Do men really need to be told they’re wonderful? Most of us think we’re wonderful… or maybe all the bluster is just a smoke screen masking a super sensitive, needy human being? 

Anyhow, today is Husband Appreciation Day — celebrated every year on the third Saturday of April. I suppose wives should appreciate their husbands every day — just like husbands should appreciate their wives. But what the heck — seems like Husband Appreciation Day is a day worth celebrating. (Yes, there is a Wives Appreciation Day, too.)

The role of husbands (like everything else) has changed over the years. Years ago, the husband was probably the only one of the family to earn money to put food on the table… today, the husband and wife typically both work to meet the family’s needs.

For all our shortcomings, wives apparently think their husband do some stuff right. A recent survey listed the top 5 things that wives appreciate about their husbands: being a hard worker, making their partners feel comfortable around them, making them laugh, being smart, and supporting their partner’s goals and desires. 

It’s interesting that reasons connected to money or household duties were far down on the list. So I guess that means that it’s most important for us to just be smart and funny…. and work hard.
Anyhow, I’m sure Claire has a big celebration planned for me tonight….
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