Made It…..

Well, pretty much every year at this time you hear me sigh with relief — after again making it through February. Goodbye February, hello March! I know I’ve said it before, but I really think the old Roman calendars had it right. They didn’t even give January or February the dignity of naming them. When those two month rolled around, it was just “winter.” Their year began with March. 

March was named for the Roman god of war, Mars. It probably earned that name because it was typically when military campaigns resumed, after being interrupted by winter.

In my mind, it’s now spring, but the vernal or spring equinox actually occurs on Thursday, March 19, at 11:50 pm (EDT.) 
March’s birthstone is the aquamarine, it’s zodiac sings are Pisces and Aries, and it’s full moon is called the Worm Moon.This year it occurs on Monday, March 9, at 1:48 pm (EDT.)

They say that if March comes in like a lion, it’ll go out like a lamb. This falls into the folklore category, but it may be, at least a little bit, based on fact or at least past experience or observations. 

There are a few things to celebrate in March, Like St. Patrick’s — I’ll probably be talking about them as the month goes on. I suppose I should mention that March is National Umbrella Month. Seems like it should be April, but it’s March. This may call for some extensive research on my part. Happy March….
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