Goodbye…. February

If you’ve been following along lately, you know that this year I’ve tried to be positive and not get “down” on my least favorite month — February. You’ll notice from the last few entries, I haven’t missed many opportunities to celebrate…. doing my best to lift my spirits and look more favorably on the month of February. 

Most years I’d be done with February and feeling pretty good about March finally arriving — which, in my mind, is kind of the unofficial start of spring. But this year is leap year and here we are still in February. But luckily, this last day of February just happens to be the last Saturday in February. And we all know what that means — all together now, “It’s OTBN!!!” Yep, one of my favorite nights. I won’t bother to describe OTBN yet again — you can check the past blog entries if you don’t know. 

We started this tradition in February of 2007 and last February made 12 years ( and 144 bottles of wine.) Since then we hit another milestone when we celebrated OTBN CL with the 150th bottle. So tonight we complete year 13 — what better way to celebrate  this extra day of my (still) least favorite month.

The fact that February 29 happens to fall on a Saturday makes this OTBN celebration even more special — and unique. The next time we’ll be able to celebrate OTBN on February 29th will be in the year 2048. So hopefully, one of you younger faithful readers will remember and celebrate OTBN MMXLVIII for us. Goodbye February, hello March.
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