No Intention to Discombobulate….

You old time faithful readers may remember about a year ago when I researched, and commented on, the word poop. Dave had used it in “The Puppy Files,” and I thought it was a funny word. I don’t know why, but I thought of it again a week or so ago when I used the word chintzy when we were watching some award show — think it may have been the Golden Globes or something like that. Anyhow, for some reason I used the word chintzy and thought it was a funny word — like poop, only different.

Well of course this all got me to thinking — there are lots of funny words. Some are strange funny, and some are just fun to say and some just make you laugh, sometimes when you don’t even know why.

Bamboozled is one of those words to me — I’ve always thought it was funny, and it’s often appropriate to use it in funny situations. Gobbledygook was a word that Ronald Reagan used often referring to Washington — it’s probably more appropriate to use it today. During World Was II, the British had a slogan, “keep calm and carry on.” History tells us that when that phrase was used, it was often accompanied by a plea not to let the noise and uproars all around get to you and the word they used to describe the chaos was “hullaballoo.” Another funny word.

I can think of a few funny words that I use from time to time — some, unfortunately, I rarely get to use, and that’s a shame. Here’s a few I think are funny — and I actually know what they mean.

Klutz, mollycoddle, boondoggle, piffle, quagmire, jabberwocky, brouhaha, cantankerous, and whippersnapper.

If you don’t fall into the anencephalous category, you probably already know what they mean, or can look them up. If you need help, let me know.

Now — I must vamoose.


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