Super Bowl or Super Bust

Usually around this time of year, I’m a little sad the football season is ending and there’s not really any more sports activity on TV that interests me and it’s too cold to get outside much. This year it’s same, not same. I’m sad because football season is ending but for the first time I can remember, I really have no interest in either team playing in the Super Bowl. I don’t particularly like either team. I don’t hate either team — it just doesn’t make any difference to me who wins. Most people seem to think I should be a Ravens fan, living so close to Baltimore, but there’s a lot of reasons that I kind of dislike the Ravens, starting with the Art Model fiasco of moving the team there from Cleveland. The 49ers just fall into the ho hum category.

Since the Redskins are usually out of the picture, I typically choose a team or two that I’d sort of like to see win. This year I would have been alright with Seattle or Atlanta — probably because neither has had a particularly good team over the years.

But this year, I’ll just plop down with a glass of wine and cheer for the best commercial. But just wait for this blog entry at this time next year….


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