The Street Where I Lived….

Yesterday I’d mentioned that I lived on Tu Do Street when I was in Saigon. It was, and still is, the most historic street in Saigon. It’s original name was Rue Catinat (the French seem to always attach rue to the names — I think basically means street or road.) Anyhow, the street was home to the city’s most famous hotels, restaurants, bars, boutiques and retail establishments. It was named for Nicolas Catinat, a French military officer between the 17th and 18th century.

The street has undergone two name changes in the relatively recent past. Between 1955 and 1975, during the Vietnamese War, it was known as Tu Do Street. That translates into Freedom Street. Once South Vietnam fell to North Vietnam it was changed to Dòng Khòi that translates to General Insurrection or Total Uprising Street.

So the street, as well as Vietnam, has gone through a lot of changes through the years… Saigon is now Ho Chi Minh City and Tu Do is now Dòng Khòi — but I guess I’ll always remember it as Tu Do Street.
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