Moon Landing

Fifty years ago today, the US astronauts landed on the Moon. It’s one of those events that just about everyone can remember where they were when it happened. I was in Saigon at the time and I watched the moon landing “live.” It wasn’t in color and the small TV’s picture wasn’t particularly “crisp and clear.” I wondered if the picture quality was due to a poor signal from the moon or the condition of the TV.

The TV was located in a bar (I don’t remember the name of the bar) on Tu Do Street — a street famous for its bars during the war… and also the street where I lived for three years. It turns out that July 20, 1969 was a Sunday and by 1969 the war in Saigon had subsided enough that we didn’t work Sundays. (I only mention that so you don’t think I was shirking my duties.)

Like most people, I guess, I was excited and proud to be an American.
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