The Last Outpost of Intelligence

A few years ago, when on a business trip, I decided that all stupid people should have to wear a sign – one that says something like, “I am really stupid.” I figure that it would be a great time saver (not to mention the elimination of a lot of annoyance) for me. Just imagine you are in a city you’ve never been to before and you need directions. You go up to someone on the street, tap them on the shoulder and when they turn around, you see the sign… You can just say, “oh, never mind!” and you don’t have to waste your time listening to some stupid person giving you bad directions. And that’s just one example of the many benefits of such a sign…

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve mellowed a bit and decided that it might be cruel to have so many people running around with the same sign. But the fact is, at least from my view, the population is becoming more stupid. Rarely does a day go by that I don’t make a remark about someone being stupid.

There’s an old saying that ignorance is bliss. My extensive research found a 2005 study of intelligence and emotional health conducted at the University of Edinburg that found there was no correlation between brains and happiness. And I remember that Forrest Gump always said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”

But I still ask myself, “Am I totally surrounded by stupid people?” The answer of course is yes.


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