We’re Off….

Well, here it is January again — I know it’s the start of a new year and all that, but it’s still one of my least favorite months of the year. The holidays are over and there’s the general ‘letdown’ over that, football season is over (except for the playoffs) and the weather is cold and dreary. So again I find myself looking forward to spring.

The Anglo-Saxons called January “Wulfmonath” because it was the month hungry wolves came scavenging at people’s doors. I kind of think I like that name better than January, even though as far as I know we don’t have many wolves in the neighborhood.
January is National Soup Month — that also seems appropriate.
It’s also a fact that more couples separate or divorce in January than in any other month.

I’m tempted to just call it thirty for this blog (you faithful readers know what that means) but this early in the year, I should probably look on the positive side….
January brings a kind of “clean slate” and an opportunity to start anew.
The shortest day of the year is officially behind us — from here on out the mornings will slowly get lighter and the evenings stay light longer
My grass won’t need cutting for a while (we won’t talk about snow shoveling)
The “holiday re-runs” are ending and most of the TV shows I like will start showing new episodes again

So I guess it’s not all bad — and — you can’t start off with a clean slate every year without going through January. Last year was filled with lots of natural disasters, hates and tweets, but there was also lots of love and kindness…. maybe it would have been even better if we had focused on the good rather than the bad.
So here’s to 2019. Let’s all try our best to make it good — starting with January.
— 30 —


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