A New Beginning

Welcome to 2019 — it may be a new year, but the news headlines seem like they may be left over from last year. The government is shut down, the majority of people think global warming and environmental issues are threatening the existence of the human race, but Washington claims it’s fake news and then of course we have to worry about all the thousands/millions of people pouring across our southern border.

Not that the President needs my help, but I think it’s my civic duty to offer up another topic to add to his tweets. We all know he doesn’t believe in climate change or global warming or anything that pertains to the health of the Earth — I think his next step should be to call out the fake news for spreading the rumor that the Earth is round. I think this topic could be a big hit at his next major rally with his evangelical christian followers.

The Bible plainly states that the Earth is square — not round. If you need proof, go read the Book of Revelation, Chapter 7, Verse 1 — it clearly states the shape of the earth: “After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the Earth, holding back the four winds of the earth to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree.” This statement makes it obvious that the Earth has four corners. A circle or sphere does not have corners. So — the President should take this and run with it. He has far more justification for proclaiming that the Earth is square than he has for most of his other claims.
He has long claimed that the press and Hollywood are in alliance with the devil. He can now point to the fact that NASA is also in alliance with the devil for pulling this round Earth sham.

I think this topic, along with border security, should keep the President occupied long enough that maybe Washington can get some real work done.
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