Forty Six Years

Today, we’ve been married for 46 years. It doesn’t seem like that long, but 46 years is a fair amount of time. We’ve both been married for longer than we have not been married.

A lot has changed in 46 years. Our parents are gone now — and we are the elders of the family, even though we don’t (usually) feel like elders. Our kids didn’t exist and of course neither did our grandkids. There were no personal computers or iPhones. There was no “9-11” or ISIS, or Brexit… it was a completely different world in so many ways.

Celebrating this milestone of 46 years should be, and I think for us, is a normal part of married life. Some of our friends have celebrated more than 60 years of marriage. I didn’t have any real doubt that we’d make it this far, but I’m pretty sure there were a lot of people that did have that doubt in 1972. Even today, some people still find this news remarkable. You’d think we just won an Olympic medal or found a cure for cancer. They asked, “how’d you do it?”
Frankly, it wasn’t that hard. I think we both believe that our 46 years of marriage is more of a blessing than an achievement.

Since this is our anniversary, the remainder of this entry is directed to Claire. You’ve read this far, so you’re welcome to continue if you wish — but this is for Claire……

I don’t know what the population of the world is, but I know it’s a lot of people, and you’re the one person in the entire universe that I can happily grow old with. Doesn’t matter how much time passes, or how old we get, or how many gray hairs or wrinkles we get — I know I’m with the one person that truly makes me happy.
I love you so much and as long as we are side by side and hand in hand, I can grow old knowing that I am the luckiest person in the world having you right next to me.
Every day, when I look at you, I think — ‘good job, God.’ Happy Anniversary! Anh yêu em (very much.)
— 30 —


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