Cinco de Mayo

Today is Cinco de Mayo… lots of Mexican restaurants will be very crowded today. It’s hard to believe, but a number of people that I know think, or assume, that it is Mexico’s Independence Day. That, of course is not true — in fact Cinco de Mayo is more of an American holiday than Mexican. I don’t even remember hearing about Cinco de Mayo 15 or 20 years ago.

The day commemorates a Mexican victory over France in the Battle of Puebla (May 5, 1862.) Even though the Mexicans were underdogs, and a victory is a victory, this victory was fairly short lived. The day isn’t widely celebrated in Mexico, however it is still celebrated in Puebla — but probably not as much as in the United States.

Cinco de Mayo apparently gained popularity here due to ad campaigns by Mexican beer companies. But whatever — it’s a good excuse to have some good Mexican food and enjoy a Corona or Margarita. And this year May 5th is also the day of the Kentucky Derby… so if Margaritas aren’t your thing, how about a Mint Julep??
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