Fall Classic

Well, it’s that time of year again — time for the World Series! As I’ve mentioned before, when I was a kid, the World Series was a big deal. Most everybody talked about it and all the radios were tuned to the World Series — there was no TV back then. Most people had a favorite team, and even if their favorite team didn’t make it to the World Series, they picked a favorite of the two teams that were playing. 
Baseball was the sport back then — I never heard of the NFL when I was young. Even high school and college football wasn’t all that popular…. sports was all about baseball.

Now, in 2013, baseball has lost a lot of its popularity — football and basketball and maybe even soccer are more popular spectator sports these days.
But tomorrow night’s first game of the World Series will be played between Texas and Arizona. Yea, you heard me right — Texas and Arizona. 
So how many people — even baseball fans — would have picked these two teams to be in this year’s World Series? Somehow, it just doesn’t seem right — World Series teams should have names like the New York Yankees, Brooklyn Dodgers, New York Giants, St. Louis Cardinals, Cleveland Indians, Chicago Cubs — or White Sox. Not the Arizona Diamondbacks or the Texas Rangers. 
I guess if you’re from Arizona or Texas, you may be excited…. for the rest of us, not so much.
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