A Night for Hunters and Witches

This month’s full Moon occurs tonight, October 28 — peak illumination will be at 4:24 p.m., Eastern time. This month’s full Moon is usually called the Hunter’s Moon and the name makes sense because game animals, especially deer, turkeys and pheasants, are traditionally hunted in mid to late autumn when the animals are fattened on late summer bounty. I mentioned a few blogs ago that while Hunter’s Moon  is the most common name for October’s full Moon, if it appears early in the month and is the closest full Moon to the fall equinox, it is referred to as the Harvest Moon. But this year, it’s the Hunter’s Moon.

Of course these Moon names apply to the full Moon in the Northern Hemisphere — since the seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s reasonable that the October full Moon would be called something more spring-like. And that’s true — depending on the location and culture of the region, southern names for the October full Moon include Egg Moon, Fish Moon, Pink Moon, Seed Moon, and Waking Moon.
This year, with the full Moon being so close to Halloween, it’s even more special. The first full Moon on or before October 31st is known as the Witches Moon. On this night the veil between the worlds is the thinnest and you can receive prophecy if you are of a lineaged bloodline. If you live in a place or area that is haunted, or if you work in a place where someone has passed, if a ghost wants to materialize, this night will be when it will happen.
So enjoy the full Hunter’s Moon tonight, and if you see any ghosts, they may not be trick or treaters.
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