Monthly Archives: July 2023

Twelve Steps

A few blogs back, we talked about ”Friends of Bill W.” Bill Wilson, or “Bill W.” was a Wall Street banker who drank away his career and his marriage, eventually having to spend several stints in a hospital due to … Continue reading

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I suppose I should be writing this around Halloween, but it’s July and we were at a party a few days ago and the subject of ghosts came up. Actually the conversation wasn’t particularly interesting — that’s too bad, because … Continue reading

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Lawyer Presidents

Sometime last month there was a news article that every living person who has served as President of the United States is descended from ancestors who owned slave. I discussed this in a blog entry — if you’re interested in … Continue reading

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Barbie Goes to War

Well, I guess yesterday was kind of a slow day for news — apparently there weren’t enough mass shootings to be worth more than just a mention in the news, so one of the stories was about the Barbie Movie. … Continue reading

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1… 2… 3… 4…

A few nights ago, Claire said she didn’t sleep well — she woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. I said something like maybe she should count sheep. I hadn’t said that in a long time and in fact … Continue reading

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Some friends of ours are currently on a cruise — actually, a couple of cruises, I think. That reminded me of a conversation I had with another friend not too long ago, after he and his wife had returned from … Continue reading

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Moon Talk

Well, we’ve made it into the Dog Days of Summer and through the 4th of July and tonight is the last night the first full Moon of the summer season will look “full.” This month’s full Buck Moon rose after … Continue reading

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Independence Day

Today in Independence Day — back in 1776 the Continental Congress voted in favor of declaring independence from Great Britain.Before the declaration, America was part of the Kingdom of Great Britain (now known as the United Kingdom.) In the 1600s, … Continue reading

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Dog Days

Today is kind of a special day — it’s the official beginning of the Dog Days of Summer. A lot of us have heard this expression most of our lives and it traditionally refers to a period of particularly hot … Continue reading

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Looking at the news shortly after I got up this morning, the first story I saw was that a block party in Baltimore, celebrating  Independence Day, was marred by a horrendous mass shooting. The suspect has not been apprehended yet, … Continue reading

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