Monthly Archives: May 2023

Mother’s Day

Considering all that they do for all of us, every day should be Mother’s Day. But today, it’s official — Mother’s Day, 2023. Moms are the most influential people in our lives. George Washington once said: “ My mother was the … Continue reading

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Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves

It was a nice day yesterday, and after cutting the grass, we sat outside with some friends and had a glass of wine. During the conversation, Claire remarked that she though maybe she was a gypsy. Well, that got me … Continue reading

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Ho Hum

It wasn’t on my New Year’s Resolution list, but I started something on January 1 that I didn’t think I’d continue very long…. but here it is nearing  the middle of May and there has not been one day this … Continue reading

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Number One Daughter

Two score and 7 years ago, we were engaged in a by-centennial celebration of the United States. The world will little note, nor long remember that celebration, but it can never forget that it was also the year Kelly was … Continue reading

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Medicine Wheels

Today’s topic is one that came up during a winter golf discussion maybe two or three years ago. Since it was a foreign topic to some of the “golfers,” I decided to talk about it. As I said, that was … Continue reading

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Fifty One

May 6 — In 2021 I was bemoaning the fact that even though we’d been married for 49 years, it was not considered a “special” anniversary. And now here it is 2023 and I’m bemoaning the fact that in spite … Continue reading

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Both the readers of this blog know that Valentine’s Day is a day that we avoid restaurants — we usually go out for Valentine’s Day, but the day before or the day after — not on February 14. Today is … Continue reading

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Full Moon Rising

I suppose I should start off with “May the 4th” be with you…. but you’ll probably hear that enough today. Tomorrow, besides being Cinco de Mayo, brings this month’s Full Moon. May’s full Flower Moon will reach peak illumination at … Continue reading

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Parts Is Parts….

We recently had to replace the passenger side mirror on one of our cars. The mirror cast almost $1,000!! Cars, just like about everything else, have gotten more complicated over the years. There was a time when cars were simpler and … Continue reading

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May Day

Today is May Day — it occurs annually on May 1!!May Day celebrates the return of spring and the day has its own traditions like flower baskets and maypoles and I hope you remembered to wash your face in the … Continue reading

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