Ho Hum

It wasn’t on my New Year’s Resolution list, but I started something on January 1 that I didn’t think I’d continue very long…. but here it is nearing  the middle of May and there has not been one day this year that the news program that we watch on TV hasn’t mentioned at least one mass shooting. A number days, there has been more than one shooting in the news.

I acknowledge that I’m a curmudgeon, but I just can’t understand why this trend doesn’t seem to bother people. The government wants to label all sorts of things a “crisis,” but for some reason all these people being shot on a daily basis doesn’t qualify as a crisis. 

The newscasters usually say something like we are all shocked that a mass murder occurred when someone with a disturbing social media history used a semiautomatic rifle, that was obtained legally, to commit a horrific mass murder. Seems like I hear those almost exact same words at least several times a week. 

Clearly nothing can be done to prevent these tragedies, so congress will probably continue to offer thoughts and prayers to the victims…..
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