Fifty One

May 6 — In 2021 I was bemoaning the fact that even though we’d been married for 49 years, it was not considered a “special” anniversary. And now here it is 2023 and I’m bemoaning the fact that in spite of being married for fifty one years, according to the “experts,” it’s nothing special — it just counts as another year of being married. 
But I suppose rules are rules and if the experts don’t think it’s special, it must not be. So today’s blog is to my wife of 51 years….

Although 51 years have passed, some aspects of our lives will never change, they just become stronger through all the smiles — and a few tears. May this be a very special anniversary as we look back on all the happy memories we’ve shared in our marriage together.
Happy Anniversary!
— 30 —

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