First Full Moon

It’s supposed to snow later today — along with ice and freezing rain. So even though tomorrow is a holiday, it may not turn out to be the best one, weather-wise. But even with the inclement weather, Monday is shaping up to be a pretty full day — it not only is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Ditch Resolutions Day, but it’s also January’s full Moon, the first full Moon of 2022.

January’s full Moon is commonly known as the full Wolf Moon — possibly/probably because wolves were more likely to be heard howling at this time of year.It was ‘traditionally’ believed that wolves howled due to hunger during winter, but we know today that wolves howl for different reasons. Howling and other wolf vocalizations are generally used to define territory, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds and coordinate hunting. 

Another name, sometimes used for January’s full Moon is the Center Moon — referring to the idea that this Moon roughly marks the middle of “cold season.” Other names that have been used by different people over the years include Cold Moon, Frost Exploding Moon, Freeze Up Moon and Severe Moon. Other names include Hard Moon, Canada Goose Moon, Great Moon, Greetings Moon and Spirit Moon.
If you believe in folklore, January’s full Moon has some well know sayings associated with it…..

A bright first Moon promises rain and a bountiful harvest; a red-tinted Moon means a dry year.
A growing Moon and a flowing tide are lucky time to marry.
A halo around the Moon predicts wet or stormy weather.

Whatever you call it, if the weather cooperates, it should be a welcome light for the month of January….
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