Monthly Archives: December 2021

National Christmas Tree

We have our Christmas trees up — a little later than usual this year. Just about everything seems to take longer these days… maybe time doesn’t really fly — we just work slower. Anyhow I was thinking about Christmas trees. … Continue reading

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Status Report

Every year in December I go over my list of New Year’s resolutions that I made in December of the previous year. It’s my way of letting you know how I did during the past year in keeping my resolutions … Continue reading

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Best Year Ever

The year is winding down…. just a few more weeks and it’ll be 2022. Last year about this time, we were all thinking about how bad 2020 had been and we were all looking forward to 2021 being a better … Continue reading

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Grow Up

The other day someone mentioned something about getting older — that’s the term that I usually use. But some people say that “growing” older is the proper term, not “getting” older. So which is it? And does it really matter?  … Continue reading

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80 Years

80 years ago today — December 7, 1941 — is the anniversary of the date that President Franklin Roosevelt said “….will live in infamy.” It is, of course, the date, in 1941, that Japanese planes attacked the United States Naval … Continue reading

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Somewhere around this time every year, various publications (usually dictionaries) announce their “word of the year.” I always, or at least usually, find their choices interesting and sometimes a little befuddling. I guess it shows my age, but sometimes i”ve … Continue reading

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Here it is December… the 12th, and last, month of 2021. There’s lots of holidays and festivities his month. Besides Christmas, there is Saint Nicholas Day, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, St. Lucia’s Day, Bill of Rights Day, Wright Brothers Day. … Continue reading

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