Grow Up

The other day someone mentioned something about getting older — that’s the term that I usually use. But some people say that “growing” older is the proper term, not “getting” older. So which is it? And does it really matter? 

Like most subjects I tackle in this blog, it really does’t matter — if you get old or grow old, you’re still “old.” Well, of course, this all got me to thinking…..

In the conversation I was referring to, I think “get” is the same as “grow.” But — “grow older” doesn’t mean the same thing as “grow old.”

From what I can tell, “old” today means an age greater than 60. I think 50 used to be considered “old,” but not today. Anyhow, everyone grows old — that means everyone eventually becomes 60. But “grow older” just means that someone is older than he was before. Everyone “grows older” every year, but they have not necessarily “grown old.”

But the fact is that it doesn’t matter if you are 20 or 80, every day we are all getting older — at least chronologically. But age is also a factor of our mindsets and attitudes as well as the years. Sometimes I wonder why many people let their age determine their actions, behavior — and goals. Thinking back I don’t think I ever wanted to be judged by my age.

So — what’s the difference between growing old and getting old? I’ve always believed that everyone is going to get old but they don’t have to grow old. I think I once heard it explained in a way that made a lot of sense to me:
Getting old — the years pass one by one and the older you get the faster they seem to pass.
Growing old — leaving behind the exhilaration, passion, optimism, adventure, excitement and zeal that you once lived in your earlier years. 

I’ve been told fairly often that I’m immature. I never took it as an insult… or a compliment. Immaturity, or youth, isn’t an age group — it’s a mindset. Of course being immature doesn’t mean we should behave like a child. We all grow old, but some of us grow up. I know a few people in their 50s, 60s and 70s (and older) that are still whiny brats — they grow old, but never grow up. Some even get worse as they grow older. 

Growing old happens no matter what — you can’t not get older. But growing up requires work, mindfulness and persistence. To grow up we have to learn from our mistakes, remain open to change and accept, and adjust to, the realities of life. 

When we were kids, we yearned for the time we would be grown up. Well, it’s that time for most of us. We all (me included) need to act our age and behave like an adult. Heaven knows, right now the world needs more adults….
— 30 —

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