Status Report

Every year in December I go over my list of New Year’s resolutions that I made in December of the previous year. It’s my way of letting you know how I did during the past year in keeping my resolutions (for 2021.)

Here’s the list, and my honest assessment as to how I did….
• Since it got screwed up by the coronavirus this year, I again resolve to drive by the Shepherd Wellness Center once a month, or at least occasionally.
I think I have to get credit for this one — I’ll admit that I didn’t make the once a month goal, but I did drive by 2 or 3 times this year…. I think that counts for “occasionally.”

• I will sign up for a marathon that I fully intend to not actually run.
I almost did this one, but I never got around to actually signing up — but I really did think about it… maybe partial credit?

• I resolve to burn all leftover 2020 calendars that I see.
I actually didn’t burn any, but I did destroy a few and some I sent to recycling, so for helping with the environment by recycling, I think I should get credit for this one

• I resolve to go outside —among people.
Home run!! I went outside and cut our grass every week — and — we actually dined out (outside) a number of times.

• I resolve to share my New Year’s champagne.
Done — I shared it with Claire…. even drank out of the same glass!

• I promise when I hear a funny joke, I will not reply LOL
Nailed this one — of course it was easy…. I hate LOL

• I will be more imaginative.
I think I became more imaginative this past year…. but I might just be imagining it.

• I will become the GOAT at procrastination ( or maybe I’ll save this one for next year.)
I thought I’d do really well with this, but I think maybe I should save it for 2022

So once again, I think I did pretty good — since I’ve shortened and simplified my list the past few years, I seem to tackle the resolutions with more enthusiasm. 
Check back here nearer the end of the month for my list for 2022 to see how again, I plan to become a better me.
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