Monthly Archives: September 2021

Grandparent’s Day

Every year, we celebrate National Grandparents Day on the first Sunday after Labor day. This year, it’s today — September 12.Grandparent’s Day is a lot like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, except the people are a lot older.In keeping with … Continue reading

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Patriot Day

Today is the 254the day of the year — there are 111 days remaining until the end of the year. But, of course, today is September 11, or nine-eleven, or Patriot Day when we all reflect on the devastating terror … Continue reading

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School Days

Well, I guess it’s official now — summer’s over.All the grandkids are in school this week.Rory and Ellie are the last to start —good luck to the teacher figuring out who is who….— 30 —

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Today is the day to honor the ampersand — you know, that strange curly symbol that’s often used in place of the word “and” in logos and places where a person writing a sentence is trying to save some time, … Continue reading

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Thing of the Past

When I was growing up, my family really didn’t have any “traditions,” at least not what I’d call traditions today. But since we’ve just celebrated Labor Day weekend, I remembered something that we did every year on that weekend — … Continue reading

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White Monday

Today is thought of by many as summer’s last hurrah. Many also know it for barbecues and the unofficial cutoff for wearing white clothing — yep, today, September 6, is Labor Day. Labor Day falls on the first Monday of … Continue reading

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Best of Class….

This week all our grandkids will be back in “school.” Rory and Ellie have had their Pre-School orientation and did really well. Won’t be long before you’ll be getting a ‘save the date’ notice for their graduation. Wishing them a … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, Emily

Eleven years ago today this blog’s entry read in part “…. Emily weighed seven pounds (exactly) and was 21 inches long. If you divide 7 into 21 you 3 which just happens to be the date she was born (and … Continue reading

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September Song(s)

Yesterday, I mentioned that the month of September appeared in the title of more songs than any other month. I hadn’t thought about it, and don’t know if that’s really true, but there are quite a few “September” songs.  I … Continue reading

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Well, here we are again, summer is behind us as we head into fall. September holidays get started with the Labor Day celebration — coming up this weekend, schools (hopefully) get started and football season gets underway. The Romans believed … Continue reading

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