Patriot Day

Today is the 254the day of the year — there are 111 days remaining until the end of the year. But, of course, today is September 11, or nine-eleven, or Patriot Day when we all reflect on the devastating terror attacks that took nearly 3,000 lives. 

We all will always remember where we were that morning in 2001 — I remember it as if it were yesterday. Even as I watched the events unfold, it took some time for the reality to sink in. 

Twenty years ago today, four planes were hijacked. The hijackers flew three planes into iconic buildings — the Pentagon and the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. The fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after the plane’s passengers fought the hijackers. It was the biggest act of terrorism ever in the United States. 

Patriot Day was proclaimed by President George W. Bush and is recognized every year on September 11. Flags are lowered to half-mast, and there is a country-wide moment of silence at 8:46 am (Eastern Time) which is when the first plane crashed into one of the Twin Towers. Even though the attacks were in the U.S., Patriot Day is recognized worldwide because the attack devastated and impacted people around the world.

Today, reflecting and remembering the events that took place 20 years ago reminds people of the sensitivity of time and the importance of standing united as a nation.
I wonder how many people would have been complaining about masks or vaccinations on September 12, 2001?
We should never forget!
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