Happy Birthday, Emily

Eleven years ago today this blog’s entry read in part “…. Emily weighed seven pounds (exactly) and was 21 inches long. If you divide 7 into 21 you 3 which just happens to be the date she was born (and my favorite number.) If you’re one of those people that think numbers mean something (or even if you’re not) I think the meaning here is pretty clear — this is no ordinary baby…..”

Of course today is our Number one granddaughter’s birthday. She’s a lot like me, in that shortly after our birthdays, school starts. This year Emily started to middle school…. another big step

In my first blog about her, I said that the numbers 7, 21 and 3 foretold good fortune for her — and we just keep adding more numbers. Last year we added ten (a perfect ten) and this year eleven (years) and the number six (6th grade.) All good numbers. She was no ordinary baby — and she won’t be any ordinary sixth grader!
Happy Birthday Emily!! Love You!!!
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