Take a Moment….

Today is Memorial Day — a day whose true meaning often gets lost in the activities of a “three day weekend” that traditionally kicks off the beginning of the summer season.

I’m often puzzled by how many people know so little about the true meaning of Memorial Day, and how many don’t understand the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

I often hear people say “Happy Memorial Day” and even though they mean well, the day really isn’t something to celebrate — it’s a time to honor those fallen in military service to our country. For some, over the years, it’s come be a day to honor not just the war dead, but to remember all deceased members of one’s family, often with a visit to their grave-sites.

Memorial Day does not honor veterans who came home — we do that in November. The purpose of Memorial Day is to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice and gave their lives in the defense of our country. It’s amazing that as important as this day is it wasn’t until 1971 that Congress made Memorial Day a national holiday…. three years after it passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, creating three-day weekends.

In 1996, President Clinton signed into law a National Moment of Remembrance — a full minute of silence at 3 p.m. on the last Monday of every May, to “remember and reflect on the sacrifices made by so many to provide freedom for all.”

So whatever you’re planing to do this Memorial Day —pause for that one moment at 3 p.m. You’ll feel better for it…..
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