What’s Up?

Those of you that have ever had the discussion with me, know that I don’t like Facebook. I think it’s dangerous and often causes more harm than it does good. I rarely check Facebook, but I often get e-mails advising me that someone I may (or may not) know is having a birthday or doing something special and suggesting that I write something on their Facebook page. 

Today I got a “challenge” from someone asking me participate on their page. 
Here is their challenge — “Apart from makeup, breakup, wake up, 7up and look up. Which other UP do you know?” Well, I’m not usually one to turn down a challenge, but after giving this one about 30 seconds of thought, I realized it sure isn’t much of a challenge….

Up is a word that is probably used by all of us multiple times ever day — it’s not particularly hard to think of lot of words and phrases that use “up,” like…. wind up, stand up, keep up, screw up, show up, look up, sum up, clean up, throw up, sign up, round up, line up, catch up, roll up, add up, tear up, warm up, shut up, rise up, mix up, wake up, suck up, cover up, or shake up.

We’ve probably all said, “what’s up?” on occasion and had to “give it up” sometimes and I know I’ve often gotten “fed up” with things. I’ve certainly been told to “shut up” at times and I’ve even given “two thumbs up” a few times. 

Sometimes we don’t realize how often we use that little word “up.” Just think about all the times you got all dressed up, or got all worked up over something, or went barking up the wrong tree. How often have you heard “bottoms up” during happy hour? 

Obviously this blog could become very long just by listing all the times I’ve used “up.” So I’m not sure why such a silly, and simple, challenge was issued. But it was, and I decided to “take the person UP on his challenge.” I think I won….
— 30 —

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