Irish Twins

Today is June 25 — the 176th day of 2020. Six months from today will be Christmas.
There’s a lot of reasons to remember and celebrate June 25th — some good, some not so good, some great!
In 1788, the state of Virginia ratified the U.S. Constitution on this date — that’s good.
In 1876, Lt. Col George A. Custer and his 7th Cavalry were wiped out by the Souix and Cheyenne in the Battle of the Little Bighorn — that’s bad
In 1910, President Williams Howard Taft signed the White-Slave Traffic Act (the Mann Act) which made it illegal to transport women across state lines for “immoral” purposes — that’s good.
In 1962, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that recitation of a sate-sponsored prayer in New York State public schools was unconstitutional — that’s bad, or maybe good, depending on your position… I vote bad.
In 1967, the Beatles performed and recorded their new song “All You Need is Love” during the closing segment of “Our World,” the first-ever live international telecast that was carried by satellite from 14 countries. — that’s good
In 1996, a truck bomb killed 19 Americans and injured hundreds at a U.S. military housing complex in Saudi Arabia — that’s bad
In 1998, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a line-item veto law as unconstitutional, and ruled that HIV-infected people were protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act. — that’s good.
In 1950, war broke out in Korea as forces from the communist North invaded the South — that’s bad.
In 2009, death claimed Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett — that’s bad.

But what really makes this day special, of course is that it’s two of our kids’ birthdays. Yep — both Dave and Chassie share exactly the same birthday — one year apart, but the same day. I mentioned a couple of years ago that the term “Irish Twins” is a term used when two people are born on the same day and month but one year apart. So Happy Birthday to my Irish Twins — that’s great!!
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