Happy Birthday

Well, here it is again… every year I face the same dilemma — how do I wish Claire a Happy Birthday that captures how I really feel about her. You can check this blog every year in June and see that every year I struggle to find appropriate words. Usually after rambling on for a while I come to the same conclusion — there really aren’t any words that do the trick.

So, again, today I’ll struggle to find the best way to wish her a Happy Birthday and tell her that I love her. I suppose I could text her, or even send her an e-mail. But we do live in the same house… maybe I’ll just tell her. 

But today she deserves more than that. I’d really like to be able to express in words how much I admire her. She has a memory like an elephant and is as quick-witted as anyone I’ve ever met. She is the smartest person I know — she can solve any problem. 

Over the years (fortunately) we’ve had a lot more good times than bad but we’ve made it through earthquakes, fires, typhoons, and terrorist attacks to name a few. And now, I guess we can add ‘pandemic’ to the list. 

Every year I find myself more attracted to her — I love everything about her, but again words escape me. A couple of years ago, I concluded that Winnie the Pooh had the right answer when he told Piglet that you don’t spell love — you feel it. You deserve more — but — for lack of better words, Happy Birthday, I love you!
— 30 —

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