
I got a little busy yesterday and never got around to this blog. So today, we’re going to pretend it’s not today, it’s yesterday — May 17. 

First off, happy Norwegian Independence Day and a happy birthday to Mike Hauke. If you don’t know Mike Hauke, too bad — he’s a nice guy. He was best man at our wedding. Anyhow we can always remember his birthday because he was born on Norwegian Independence Day, or maybe we always remember Norwegian Independence Day because it’s Mike Hauke’s birthday….

On May 17, 1814, the Constitution of Norway was signed at Eidsvold, Norway. The constitution declared Norway as an independent nation. 
But — Norway was ruled by the kings of Denmark for many centuries. In 1814, Denmark was penalized for its support of Napoleon by giving Norway to Sweden. However, before the transition was carried out, Norway declared itself independent (on May 17.) So Norway retained some degree of independence even though it became a subject of the Swedish Crown. In 1905, again on May 17, Norway declared its complete independence. 

So — May 17th is the official National Day of Norway… known as Norwegian Constitution Day. The day is referred to simply as “Syttende Mai (17th of May) or Grunnlovsdagen (The Constitution Day.)

Norwegian Constitution Day is kind of unique in that it is very non-military in nature. All over Norway, children parade, many waving flags. The parades take the children through the community, often making stops at homes of senior citizens, war memorials, etc. 

The Constitution Day celebration is very much about the children, but all Norwegians eat, drink and make merry during the month of May to celebrate the most significant month in their history.
So happy Norwegian Independence Day and happy birthday Mike.
You may now return to today (May 18th) — already in progress….
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