Back Up

Today, March 31 is World Backup Day. Last year at this time, you’ll remember that I was kind of excited about the day — until — I learned that backup day didn’t have anything to do with going backwards. I’m still of the opinion that backup day should be about — backing up.

But this is just another example of how our world is changing. Not that many years ago, if you heard or used “ back up,”  it meant that you were giving support to someone, or that you were providing information to prove that something was correct, or there may have been an accident or roadwork that caused a traffic back up. You might have been telling someone standing too close to you, or maybe too close to something dangerous to back up, or when maneuvering your car you may have needed to back up, or you might even have asked someone to repeat or clarify something by asking them to back up.
But today, back up, to many/most people means to copy computer information, or more specifically, backup your data. 

And that’s what today is about — It’s a day when all the technology folks remind you how important it is to back up your data. Important, but not very exciting. The day actually began as World Backup Month and was started by a company that made hard drives for computers. The name of the company was Maxtor — that company has been acquired by Seagate Technology.

Today is also Eiffel Tower Day and National Crayon Day, but the day is really about reminding you to make backup copies of your important digital files. And tell your friends — friends don’t let friends go without a backup.
— 30 —

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