You Can’t Fool All the People — or Maybe You Can

I was talking to someone (at a social distance) a few days ago and they believed that the government was doing an excellent job of managing the coronavirus crisis. You can count me in the group that believes it might have been possible to screw it up worse, but I’m not sure…

Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time” — I used believe that — now, I’m not so sure. It appears that in some groups of people, all the people in that group can be fooled all the time. 

This isn’t meant to be critical, only an observation on my part. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion — that’s a right guaranteed by the constitution. But everyone has an individual obligation to form that opinion by gathering the facts (from every available source) and not accepting something that someone else “tells” you.
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