Just a Thought

Like some people, I’ve tried to watch some of the congressional hearings the past couple of weeks. What with holiday activities gearing up and all, I’ve just caught bits and pieces of the proceedings. I find them interesting in a depressing sort of way. It’s a shame our country has become so divided in so many areas. 

I’m not sure why, but I seem to notice references to things that have happened in the past and quotations from a number of years ago more than I once did. A lot of them seem to fit our situation, as a nation, today. The other day I ran across a quote in a book that I’m reading and it made me think how appropriate it is today…. Here’s the quote”

“A forest takes a century to grow; it burns down in a night.”

I’m pretty sure the quote wasn’t meant to describe governments or constitutions, but if you’re so inclined, just think about it….
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