I Do Resolve, Again….

If you look at the calendar, you’ll see that the year is running out and the countdown to the new year has started. Every year somewhere around this time, I give everyone an update on the New Year’s Resolutions I made back in December of last year. I grade myself — honestly — on how how well I did doing, or not doing, the things that I said I would, or wouldn’t do. 

As I say, every year, I’m not sure why I make New Year’s Resolutions — I just do, and almost every year, I list them here for everyone to see. Last year I shortened and simplified my resolution list in an attempt to make it more realistic — and more achievable. Here’s the list I made for 2019, along with a truthful assessment of how I’ve been doing.

• I will drive by the Shepherd Wellness Center once a week.
(Even though this was first on my list, I didn’t do very well. It wasn’t a complete wash-out — I did drive by, but I didn’t meet my goal of once a week.)
• I will learn the difference between ‘effect’ and ‘affect.’
(I did learn the difference and think I used them correctly, but maybe I slipped up on the usage sometime during 2019)
• I will make a new friend each month
( I have to give myself credit for this one — I did make a new friend every month, even though a couple of months, they had to be imaginary friends.)
• I will make usual things unusual
(Bingo! You’ll have to trust me on this one, but I really did it.)
• I will not run while juggling knives
(I’ll admit that the year’s not quite over, but I think I’ll nail this one, too)

So — I’d say I did pretty good. Maybe not the best year for keeping resolutions, but better than a lot. I now just have to sit down and come up with a new list that will give me yet another chance to be a better me….
— 30 —

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