Happy Birthday

Yesterday, June 25th, was a special day. I pretty much always update this blog on June 25 for some very special reasons. But I just didn’t get around to it yesterday — I had a couple of jobs to finish and the newest member of our family came over to spend a few days with us. Kona, the Golden Retriever puppy that lives in Leesburg is going to experience country living for a while. Kona’s owner, Emily, is off to a dance competition in Virginia Beach.

But back to the 25th of June. It’s a special day because when that day in June arrives, it is exactly six months until Christmas. But the real reason that the day is so special is because it’s two of my kids birthdays. That’s right — I have two kids with the exact same birthday.

You might note that I said my two kids, Dave and Chassie, have the same birthday. I didn’t say that my son and daughter-in-law have the same birthday. I don’t refer to Chassie as my daughter-in-law or Chris as my son-in-law. When I told them both, “welcome to the family” I meant it — they’re all my kids.

So this blog is a day late and we still haven’t got to celebrate with them, but Happy Birthday Dave and Chassie!!
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