
We were watching a program on the History Channel the other evening about all the technological advances made in the 60s before computers became possible. Sometimes we become so dependent on technology and especially our iPhones that we can’t remember how we got along without them.

In 1972, I was in Peking, China for an extend period (Peking didn’t become “Beijing” until after 1979.) Claire was at home in Manila in the Philippines. We missed each other, and she decided to give me a call. In those ancient times of 1972, before iPhones, in most countries, you had to go through an operator to make a long distance phone call. You gave the operator all the information as to who you wanted to call and the connection was made for you (by the operator.)

At the time, most international calls from Manila went through an operator in Tokyo. Claire called the operator in Tokyo and told her she wanted to talk to me in Peking. She had all the information, including the phone number of the hotel in Peking. After a few minutes wait, the operator and Claire had the following conversation:
Operator: I’m sorry, but we don’t have phone service to Peking, China. I can connect you to Shanghai though.
Claire: But I don’t want to talk to Shanghai — I don’t know anyone there. I want to call Peking.
Operator: I can’t connect you to Peking, but I’ll be glad to place your call to Shanghai.
Claire: I don’t want to call a city — I want to call a person. And that person is in Peking.
Operator: Oh, I see. I’m sorry… but if you’d like to call Shanghai, I’ll be glad to connect you;
Claire: Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!

Remember, this was only 1972 — I’ll bet that I could call Peking in less than 10 seconds on my iPhone today. I often wonder if the operator ever got any takers on her Shanghai offer…..
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