Monthly Archives: January 2019


Two or three weeks ago we decorated our church — a couple of days ago, we un-decorated our church. This got me to thinking… when is the “proper” time to take down Christmas decorations? In our house, Claire thinks sometime … Continue reading

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Below Ground

They’re building a couple of new houses in our neighborhood and the last few days they’ve been digging the basements. When I was growing up in Oklahoma, I think the only house that I knew of that had a basement … Continue reading

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We’re Off….

Well, here it is January again — I know it’s the start of a new year and all that, but it’s still one of my least favorite months of the year. The holidays are over and there’s the general ‘letdown’ … Continue reading

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A New Beginning

Welcome to 2019 — it may be a new year, but the news headlines seem like they may be left over from last year. The government is shut down, the majority of people think global warming and environmental issues are … Continue reading

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