Another Way…

We visited Dave and Chassie yesterday, and as always, I’m amazed how the art of raising children has changed. I admit that I’ve become a little old fashioned in the way I do things and am becoming slower to pick up on the newer techniques.

Yesterday, Locke had just eaten a cookie or cupcake or something that turned his tongue bright blue. Dave said, “Hey, your tongue is blue!” Locke didn’t believe it. Now when we were raising kids, my response would have been, “Go look in the mirror!” That’s what I expected Dave to say.
But to show you how out of touch I am, here’s what happened.

Dave told Locke to stick out his tongue, then he pulled out his phone, took a picture and showed it to Locke. I’m not sure why that fascinated me, but it did. I never in a million years would have thought of that… I’d have looked for a mirror.
I really don’t know how the younger generation could function without “smart?” phones.
And I feel sorry for people that make mirrors…. their future is doomed.
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