Ditch Em…

As (both) my faithful readers know, I tend to celebrate a lot of holidays — some are well known and others… not so much. Today, January 17th, while not really a holiday, is nevertheless a special day. It’s officially (I’m not making this up) “Ditch New Year Resolutions Day.” I usually just take note of it every year, but don’t really celebrate it, because once I make a New Year Resolution, I stick to it — I don’t always accomplish it, but I stick with it and even admit to failure at the end of the year.

But — I think this is a necessary day because for many people new year resolutions are hanging heavily over their heads. Their resolutions have become a burden, and by now they may be thinking they weren’t such a good idea after all.
It makes sense that if there’s a day to celebrate the new year and to make resolutions, then there should be a day to ditch those resolutions. That’s the reason for today.

If you, unlike me, haven’t accomplished, broken, or given up on your New Year Resolutions, today is your chance to get out from under them.
So…. to all of you who over-indulged and made resolutions, you couldn’t/wouldn’t/didn’t keep…. Happy Ditch New Year Resolutions Day!!
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