I Do Resolve….

I warned you a few days ago that this was probably coming. As I talk about every year around this time, new year resolutions aren’t really realistic terms/conditions/actions to commit to because of something like an eight percent success rate. Every year some of us pledge to change or improve all sorts of things, but as the year goes on, our motivations dwindle and our ideals or goals change to accommodate real life demands.

The truth is, most of us will do the same thing this year we always do — set some goals that will be forgotten about by the 5th of January. Actually, this year (like most years) I thought about doing something different. And that is…. do nothing — don’t set any resolutions or goals. I also thought maybe my resolution should just be just to give up wanting anything to happen in the new year and make my goal for 2018 to set no goals.
But nonetheless, and despite all odds, once again I resolve to….

  • make better bad decisions in 2018
  • I will assume full responsibility for my actions, except the ones that are someone else’s fault
  • I will drive by the Shepherd Fitness Center at least once a week

And I think that’s about it — I know the list is much shorter than usual, but I decided that these are realistic resolutions that I have a very good chance to keep throughout the year. As usual, you can check back here near the end of the year to see how I did. I hope 2018 brings good health, happiness, and peace to each and every one of us….
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