We’re Off!!

Well here it is 2017 — a fresh start. Hope things are going good for everyone…

The next couple of weeks may well be the calm before the storm…on the morning of January 20, the President-elect, Donald Trump will visit Barack Obama at the White House for coffee, before they share a limousine (Obama will be seated on the right, Trump on the left) for the ride to the Capitol, where the Inauguration will take place — on the west front terrace, at noon.

Trump will be the oldest first-term President in our nation’s history. Trump being Trump, nobody knows what his first actions will be, but I’d guess one of the first things he’ll do is sign a number of executive orders — many of which, will undo some signed by Obama. That’s a fairly easy thing to do to send the message of keeping his campaign promise of things changing on day one. Of course, one promise he made, the promise of radical changes to American immigration in “my first hour in office,” may be a little harder to achieve. Many of Trump’s policy positions are fluid — he has adopted and abandoned, and often adopted again his position on just about everything. One thing is certain — the 115th Congress convenes today… Republicans have control of both chambers, so we’ll see what conservative policies will be at the top of their list. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see… I think Yogi Berra once said, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”
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