Happy 4714

Well, here it is that time again — Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year of 2017 arrives today (January 28) this year and it is the 4714th Chinese year. To most of us this is the year of the Chicken or Rooster. If you’re really into the Chinese Horoscope calendar, 2017 is the Female Fire Chicken year. I suspect that for most of us, the year of the Chicken or Rooster will do.
I’ve always found Chinese astrology and horoscopes fascinating and usually check what’s in store for us every year about this time — here’s what I found….

“The Year of the Fire Rooster is marked in the lunar calendar from January 28, 2017 to February 15, 2018. We are leaving the year of the Monkey, so how will the Rooster year stack up against the year of the Monkey?
The Year of the Monkey has been marked by ambition, dynamism and a thirst for adventure. However, in 2017 we need to brace ourselves for a period of immense changes. Challenges double during the year. The Fire Rooster shines like a bright star in the dark sky, bringing hope and transformation to those who know how to act harmoniously around prevailing circumstances. It will be a year when it is truly better to do less, but do it perfectly.
The year of the Rooster teaches the lessons of order, scrutiny and strategic planning. The sage advice of Sun-Zi which is still taught in modern military circles, advises one to “achieve psychological advantage over the adversary and use force only as a last resort.” I think we can all take heart of that advice in 2017, the year when diplomacy wins. In a Rooster year, we will hear more cutting criticisms of those in the public life and feathers might well fly as prides are dented, nevertheless all will benefit from the rude awakening.

Politically, the year of the Rooster 2017 is a year when most nations will adhere to hard-line policies. Governments around the world will puff up like the Rooster, flexing muscles and making threats but probably not following through unless faced with no other solution. Most nations will be most concerned with protecting the homeland and, unfortunately, it will be a year when most leaders and countrymen will take offense over the smallest thing.
The United States of America was born under the sign of Cancer and during the Year of the Monkey, making this a more moderate and stable time to pursue what it has set out to do. It will be an exhausting year for the U.S., ending with commitments that will have to be fulfilled. The Year of the Rooster 2017 is a year when the U. S. must not underestimate its opponents.”
And if you’re interested — a couple of our allies…
“Canada, also being born under the sigh Cancer but during the Year of the Rabbit, is heading into a difficult time as the economy tightens and funds dwindle. This is truly a time to join forces with others to was the stress.
The United Kingdom is a Capricorn/Monkey so, therefore, will continue to side with the U.S. They will find this a rather exhausting and perilous year on the home front.”
So there you have it — you know what to expect — fasten your seat belts! And Happy New Year!
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