Happy Mother’s Day

Probably not many people have noticed, but I haven’t updated this blog in quite a while. Lots of things have happened in the world and in our household in the past couple of months — some of which I’ll probably mention in this forum, some I won’t.

Anyhow, today is Mother’s Day — a holiday founded by Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia on May 10, 1908. It was made a national holiday in 1914 by President Wilson. Interestingly, Anna Jarvis filed a lawsuit in an effort to stop the over-commercialization of Mother’s Day. As you can probably surmise — she lost. Anna had hoped the day would be a day of reflection and quiet prayer by families, thanking God for all that mothers had done.

You’ve probably heard that Mother’s Day is the busiest phone day of the year with people making in excess of 122.5 million phone calls. It’s also a big card giving day — estimated number of Mother’s Day cards this year is 152 million.

Claire is a mother, a Godmother, a grandmother, and a mother-in-law, so she’s pretty well got the bases covered.
Happy Mother’s day to Claire — and all the other mothers….
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