Right, Duty, Privilege

I kind of avoid discussions about politics because that subject, like a lot of others, is a personal choice. I’ve prided myself on having never been a Democrat or a Republican. I take the privilege of voting very seriously and have always cast my vote after gathering all the facts possible and voting the way my decision was made.
Unfortunately, for quite a few years now, I’ve voted against someone rather than for someone. But nonetheless, it was my decision to cast that vote. Actually, over the years, elections have probably been won chiefly because most people voted against someone rather than for someone.

When the current campaign for President began, what seems like years ago, I didn’t pay too much attention — like I’ve done in campaigns past, I usually don’t get serious until the field thins out and I start to pay attention to who may become a real “contender.”
I never ever expected the front runners to be Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton — so — now I’m faced with a situation that’s new to me. In all my years, until now, I’ve been able to pick one candidate over the other to vote against.

We probably all know at least some people that are ready to flee the U.S. if either candidate wins. So I don’t think I’m alone in trying to figure out what to do in November. Right now, I’m seriously considering a write-in. The problem, of course, is what do I put in that write-in slot? Some of my initial thoughts……
Ronald McDonald — I know he’s a clown, but what are those that are running? And I’m pretty sure Ronald is at least funnier
Jimmy Fallon — probably not qualified (not unlike the candidates?) and he at least seems like he’s just a genuinely nice guy
A Box of Rocks — I’ve heard it said of both the Democrat and Republican candidates that they are “dumber” than a box of rocks. I’ve never heard a box of rocks actually say anything and there’s a saying that it’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. Ummm….
Riot (Kelly’s Dog) — he’s friendly to everyone, always brightens your day and only sometimes bites…
A Vacuum Cleaner — vacuums suck — that’s their purpose. The current candidates….

Well, anyhow, you get the idea. If you’re interested, check back here from time to time before November — I may update my possible write-in candidates with even more appealing choices. In the meantime, I’ll just hope something happens to alleviate my fears that the fate of the nation and yet unborn generations will be placed in the hands of either front-runner….
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