Backwards Day

Well, here it is another holiday that Congress has chosen to ignore — it’s Backwards Day. As you might have guessed, it’s a day to do everything backwards. I suppose if you properly celebrate it, you’ll have dinner as soon as you get up (oh wait – you won’t be getting up until tonight) and have breakfast before you go to bed… or get up… or — anyhow, this gets all confusing. I guess you should wear your clothes backwards and say goodbye when you meet someone and hello when one of you leaves and talk with your back to people.

A lot of people don’t know it, but Leonardo da Vinci wrote backwards. Not only did he write from right to left, he wrote his letters backwards. There are some words that can be written backwards and no one would know — like, racecar, pop, poop, dad, mom, wow, civic, madam, radar, kayak, noon, eye, nun, level and probably a lot more that I can’t think of right now.
And then, there are words that when spelled backwards turn into other words… live spelled backwards becomes evil, desserts becomes stressed, pupils is slipup, pals backwards is slap, star is rats, and warts becomes straw.
And of course, a lot of words spelled backwards just sound funny…. Park spelled backwards is krap, boobytrap becomes partyboob, welcome is emoclew, Subaru backwards is urabus, if you spell buns backwards, it’s snub.

Speaking of backward things — for years, various bands have been accused of influencing their followers with hidden messages that could only be heard by playing the record backwards. For awhile, maybe even today, some think this sort of thing is a threat to national security and at least one group insists that the practice promotes Satanic messages that can manipulate our behavior without our knowledge and turn us all into disciples of the Antichrist. Since vinyl records have pretty much gone away, I guess the threat has at least lessened somewhat.

But however you choose to celebrate Backwards Day, I hope you have fun. Just don’t forget to check my blog — or should I say glob….
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