The Blizzard of 2016

WineWe’ve just gone through a pretty big snow storm here in Shepherdstown. The “official” total for Shepherdstown was 40.3 inches. It fell (continuously) from about 1:00 pm Friday until sometime early Sunday morning.

A lot of people made extensive preparations for the storm, many bought multiple snow shovels, bread, milk, toilet paper and just about anything else left on the shelves. We didn’t make a lot of preparations — we are always stocked for emergencies and we just went to our stash and weathered the storm very well, thank you.

So next time your are faced with an emergency situation — just follow our advice….
You don’t need a lot of “stuff.” Wine gets you through most emergencies just fine — but drink the good stuff. Now after the snow melts, we just have to re-stock for the next emergency.
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