I Need a Drink….

We went out to dinner at one of the nicer restaurants here in Shepherdstown a couple of nights ago. I ordered a glass of wine and was asked for ID. Actually, it kind of made my day. It turns out that just any kind of ID won’t work, it has to be a photo ID. At least in a case like this, why is a photo so important? If you look at me, I got wrinkles and gray hair. If I’m old, why would I pretend to be someone else that’s old — any fake ID would have to have a picture of another old person….

But, to finish the story — I can understand the need card me, I’m only 77, but we were with another couple, both in their 80s. We all had to produce IDs to have a glass of wine.
Anyone that thinks I’m 51, 41 or 31, let alone 21 is obviously brain dead.
The explanation we got was something like, “we apologize for the inconvenience, but we’re required to ask all customers for ID…” Of course, there’s a simpler explanation — some people are stupid. It’s hard to believe that anyone at our table needed a card to prove they are over 21. But — to determine that, it would take something called common sense.
One argument is that since “profiling” has become a discussion point, mostly to those that think they’re being discriminated against, or picked on, it’s become necessary to implement the card everyone procedure. If a young person is asked for ID and old people are not — that’s profiling.
I know I said earlier, that being asked for ID made my day, but when you think about it, you are basically being accused of lying….

There are laws that tell us when we’re too young to drink, I suppose the day is coming when there will be laws telling us when we’re too old to drink. Sigh…..
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