
There’s an old saying that it’s better to be lucky than good. I guess I mostly agree with that, but sometimes I find myself noticing that some people are “lucky” more than their fair share of the time. So that got me to thinking — are some people genuinely luckier than others? Are they born blessed with some mysterious predisposition that regularly brings them good fortune?

When good or favorable things repeatedly occur for some people, seemingly against the odds, we usually attribute it to good luck — and — when misfortune strikes us, we attribute it to bad luck. But maybe there’s more to these happenings than just ‘luck.”

If we buy into this luck theory, we’re saying that our fortune, and misfortune, are caused by external factors that are beyond our control. But is that really true?
Maybe some people seem to have better luck because they believe in themselves, or they’re always curious, or they work harder, or they have a clear purpose.

Luck may be only an illusion. Some people believe that you can make your own luck. That’s at least partially true. Instead of attributing everything to luck, good or bad, maybe we ought to explore taking steps to make things happen, not just rely on luck.
If you look closely at “lucky” people, you’ll probably notice that most, if not all, of them work hard, are usually focused on a goal, they take action, they believe in themselves, they’re curious, and probably don’t believe that they were “born lucky.”

So I guess if you want to be luckier in life, maybe you should think about changing things — if you’ve been doing what you’ve been doing and the results are less than satisfactory, why not try a new strategy. It’s been said that luck is when preparation meets opportunity….
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